Utah Federation of
Republican Women &
Republican Women &
Women's Republican Club
of Salt Lake City
of Salt Lake City
News Release
For Immediate Release
Darcy Kruitbosch, President, UFRW
Kathleen Handy, President, WRC of SLC
Utah Republican Women announce Tim Bridgewater's commitment to appear at debate despite opponent's unexplained cancellation
June 17, 2010, Salt Lake City, UT. Darcy Kruitbosch, President of the Utah Federation of Republican Women, announced today that U.S. Senate Republican candidate, Mike Lee, has cancelled his commitment to appear at a UFRW/WRC sponsored debate with opponent Tim Bridgewater. No excuse or apology was offered for the last-minute cancellation.
"It goes without saying that we are extremely disappointed in Mike Lee's decision to cancel his commitment to appear at our debate. We are further dismayed that no explanation or apology was offered. Numerous volunteers have spent countless hours in preparation for this event. Furthermore, we feel it important to offer an apology to former Utah Governor, Olene Walker, who changed travel plans, at her personal expense, to serve as moderator of this event," Mrs. Kruitbosch said.
U.S. Senate candidate, Tim Bridgewater, has committed to attend despite Mike Lee's unexplained withdrawal. Please join us this Saturday, June 19th, from 6-7:30 PM, at the Merit Medical Complex (1600 West Merit Parkway, South Jordan, UT) as we celebrate Republican women across the State of Utah. (To access Merit Medical Complex, enter off of Redwood Road at 9850 South.)
I can't believe that Mike Lee withdrew from the debate on Saturday. The message that it sends to me is twofold, one, does he feel that a debate sponsored by a woman's organization not merit his attendence? Second, does he feel so confident that he will win the primary, that this last debate isn't worth his time? Either way, I feel insulted that he would not attend this event and show support for UFRW and WRCofSLC. Does he not know how important we are when it comes to grassroot efforts and the election process? We women do A LOT of work for campaigns and I can't help but feel that he sent a VERY loud message today. Am I the only one who heard it? Way to go Mike Lee, you just lost my vote.