Monday, July 19, 2010

Women's Leadership Summit

Please see the following letter from Kitty Dunn, Vice-Chair of the Utah GOP.

I'm writing to encourage you to save the date of Friday September 24, 2010.  On that day the Utah Republican Party will present a Women's Leadership Summit.  Because of your involvement in the political arena I think you are a perfect candidate to attend this event.

The "Women's Leadership Summit - Increase Your Influence in Utah Politics" is a Utah Republican Party program under the direction of the Vice Chair.  The summit will be an all day event held on Friday, September 24th at the Utah State Capitol building. There will be a $10 registration fee that will cover breakfast, lunch and materials.  

Our goal is to increase women's involvement in the political arena.  The workshops will be presented from a "how to" premise.  We want women to not only be informed but more importantly to know that they can, and should, have more influence in the political arena.  We will offer instruction as to how to launch and build a successful career of involvement in politics as a volunteer, a professional, part-time or full-time.

Our summit will be pro-active by offering workshops in each of the areas where women can make a real difference and have influence in the political process.  The following workshops will be conducted by experts and professionals:

·         You as a Candidate

·         You as a Political Consultant

·         You as a Fundraiser

·         You as a Lobbyist

·         You as a Grassroots Activist

·         You as a Commissioner or Committee Member 

Our keynote speaker will be our own RNC National Committeewoman Enid Mickelsen.  During lunch there will be a video presentation recognizing women from Utah who have been or are contemporary political leaders.  The program will not end with the summit.  We will continue through the year with follow-up seminars and workshops where women will receive more detailed instructions, mentoring, and opportunities for networking and involvement. 
Please save the date and watch for registration details that I will be sending to you soon - and please share this email with friends you think would be interested in the summit.  I am excited about this event and I hope you will plan to attend.


Kitty Dunn
Utah Republican Party Vice Chair
801-856-0267  801-856-0267

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