Saturday, September 11, 2010

5th Annual WRC of SLC Military Honor Event

Tonight was the 5th Annual WRC of SLC Military Honor Event.  What an incredible evening.  My heart was full from start to finish.  What an honor it was, for us, to pay tribute to 75 wives and mothers of deployed Utah soldiers. Brigadier General Liechty addressed us, as well as his wife, Karen. We also had several musical numbers in addition to a beautiful string quartet.  Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make it a success.  Thank you to everyone who came, who participated, and who performed.  To the women we honored, and to all the women who make this sacrifice, thank you.  As General Liechty said "We think of you everyday."  We salute you.  Can't wait 'til next year.  Below are some random pictures.  (Double click on them to enlarge.)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! It went off smoothly! Totally hyped.
    Great job everyone. Thanks for all your help & support.
