Tuesday, March 23, 2010

 National Federation of Republican Women
Decries Passage of Health Care Bill

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Following the passage of the Democrat health care bill in the U.S. House of Representatives, National Federation of Republican Women President Sue Lynch said:
“The National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) is disappointed in the Democrats’ decision to disregard the will of the American people to advance a strictly partisan plan that fails to fix the real problems in our health care system. What arrogance.

“As House Minority Leader John Boehner said last night in a very passionate speech, ‘This is the people’s House. The moment the majority forgets it, they start writing themselves a ticket to minority status.’

“The NFRW is issuing a ‘call to action’ to our more than 1,500 clubs, asking each to watch closely those representatives in their districts who voted to support this bill. They need to be held accountable for putting America in jeopardy.

“In contrast, we applaud House Republicans, who, despite intense pressure from their Democrat colleagues, stood firm and united in their efforts to defeat this bill.
Founded in 1938, the NFRW has thousands of active members in local clubs across the nation and in several U.S. territories, making it one of the largest women’s political organizations in the country. The grassroots organization recruits and elects Republican candidates, advocates the Party’s philosophy and initiatives, and empowers women in the political process.

For more information about the NFRW, visit www.nfrw.org.

Message from Speaker Dave Clark re: Kevin Garn's Resignation

Today, I received Representative Kevin Garn's resignation.  I respect his decision and feel it is appropriate and have therefore accepted his resignation on behalf of the Utah House of Representatives.  I am grateful to Representative Garn and his family for the time he spent in service to the State of Utah.  Mistakes made many years ago should not detract from the good work the Representative has done during his time in the Utah House of Representatives.

Members of the House recognize this.  And while not condoning his inappropriate actions, we wanted to show support to a colleague.  This is the state of mind that gave rise to the applause directed to Representative Garn on the final night of the session.  A standing ovation is a standard custom of the House, and was a natural conclusion to Representative Garn's difficult and emotional statement.  I hope the people of Utah understand that our support of Representative Garn and his family does not in any way signal support for illegal, unethical or ill-advised action by any member of the House.

There are no handbooks on how to handle these difficult situations, and we were dealing with this matter on the busiest legislative day of the 2010 session.  In hindsight, an alternative forum for the announcement may have been more appropriate.  I sincerely appreciate those who evaluate this situation with a sense of justice and compassion for everyone involved.

I want to remind each public official to remember to protect the trust the people of Utah have given us.
Speaker Dave Clark

Message from U.S. 2nd Congressional Candidate Neil Walter

My name is Neil Walter and I am running for US Congress in Utah's 2nd congressional district against Jim Matheson.  With the caucuses upon us, I want to express my appreciation to those of you who have taken time to meet with me to discuss the issues facing our nation.

Let me reiterate my feelings about this race and the direction of our country. We must have a change of agenda in Washington DC.  The Democratic Leadership has focused on a health care plan we don't want when they should be fixing the problems that are hurting our families--issues like the economy, the creation of jobs, and irresponsible federal spending.

Yes, the health care bill passed with votes to spare. The passage of this bill is an enormous new entitlement that is irresponsible at any time and especially during these economic times.  The trillions that are required to pay for the bill will come from taxing the public and will slow both economic growth and job growth in the United States.  The elitist attitude required to justify the passage of a bill Americans disapprove of, on the basis that they will come to appreciate it later, is representative of the way Washington DC is disconnected from the real world.  Our representatives in Washington DC should have to immediately eliminate their current Congressional health coverage and receive coverage per the bill while paying for the costs out of their own pockets-not the US Treasury.

While Jim Matheson ultimately voted against the bill, he failed Utahans through his lack of leadership among the 54 blue dog Democrats and his inability to moderate the liberal Democratic party's agenda as promised.  By empowering Nancy Pelosi's leadership and helping elect her as Speaker of the House, he has enabled policies that are an outright attack on the Constitution, American capitalism, state's rights, and our individual freedoms.  Moreover, he has failed to use his position of influence within the party to ensure governance is, as the Blue Dog's website says, fiscally responsible, bipartisan, and common sense. Jim Matheson does not represent the principles of the conservative 2nd District.

The current abuses begin with those in Washington DC believing they know better than we do about what is best for our families and is facilitated by career politicians protecting their jobs.  If only they were as vigilant at protecting the jobs in our communities.  The Democrats have justified using the recession for an unprecedented and inappropriate expansion of Federal programs and oversight.  This is not the proper role of government!  We are tired of bureaucrats telling us how to educate our children, manage our lands, develop our resources, and provide for our families. We need economic growth, not new entitlements.  We need fiscal responsibility, not bailouts and new spending!

Why are Democrats forcing Americans who believe abortion is morally wrong to pay for the procedure in the Health Care bill? Why do bureaucrats in Washington DC believe they will chose a better insurance plan for our families that we will?  Why does nationalizing the student loan market along with nationalizing health care suddenly make the heath care bill more attractive?  What has happened to principled leadership?  We need new representation in Washington DC from individuals who will stand up for conservative Utahans.

I realize Jim Matheson will be a tough challenge, He has sold members of our party on the idea that he is a conservative blue dog, but he has enabled Nancy Pelosi and the liberal agenda she is forwarding. We don't want it, and Jim won't fight against it.

With your commitment to restore this seat to the Republican column, I know we will be successful in November.  If we haven't met already, I invite you to attend one of my upcoming events.  Please visit my website,www.neilforcongress.com to learn more about my platform and my background.  I hope to earn your vote in the coming weeks.


Neil Walter, MBA, CFA
Republican Candidate for US Congress
Utah's 2nd Congressional District
c. 435 229 1205
f. 435 627 5716

Message from U.S. 2nd Congressional Candidate Morgan Philpot

Dear friends:

Last night the Democrats trampled the US Constitution and hijacked 1/6th of our economy by passing Obama's health care "reform" bill.  While that travesty was unfolding, Utah's 2nd district Congressman sat quietly on the sidelines.  Simply put, those of us in the 2nd district had no voice in Congress.

We cannot afford fence-sitting while the liberal agenda is driving our country over a cliff. There is a fight brewing - a fight for freedom and for liberty.  I believe that now is the time to take a stand.  Let me fight with you.  I will continue speaking up for correct principles and the proper role of government as I have done for many years.  That is why I am running to be your representative in the 2nd Congressional district - but I can't do it alone. I need your help. Please donate to my campaign today - and ask your friends and family to do the same. I need donations in all amounts - $50, $100, $1000 or more. Go tohttps://www.philpotforcongress.com/volunteer/donateand donate today. 

Matheson has been on the fence for 10 years, protecting his re-election chances instead of "putting Utah first". He has enabled the Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda by voting with his party 92% of the time. He has not spoken up as this administration has made it crystal-clear that they can and will do anything they want - until we the people stop them. Join with me as we choose sides and lines are drawn. America has a destiny. It is to be the standard bearer of freedom and liberty. Ronald Reagan said that America is freedom's last stand. Help me get to DC and work to reclaim our great American legacy.   
Thank you,

Morgan Philpot

Message from Congressman Jason Chaffetz

Yesterday, Democrats in the United States House of Representatives ignored the will of the American people and passed the final version of President Obama's health care reform bill. Despite our tireless efforts to stop it, we have just witnessed the government takeover of health care, complete with public funding for abortion, massive new tax increases and unconstitutional mandates on individuals.

Nancy Pelosi has promised that if they can kick through this door, more legislation will follow. Democrats in Congress have met the firm resistance of America on the other side of that door, but they have still managed to kick it open.The Democrats must be stopped.We need to slam the door on them and their destructive agenda.
If you're as fired up as I am, and you want to make a difference,please consider donating to my campaign for reelection. We must send a clear message to the powers in Washington, DC. They need to be reminded that they serve at the consent of the governed.
Under the false pretense of compassion Democrats have taken a commodity and proclaimed it to be a right. Many Members of Congress actually believe it is their duty to legislate new rights to the American people. But these so-called rights they concoct actuallystrip freedom from many in order to grant privileges to a few. They have either forgotten, or do not believe, that God gives people rights -- governments do not.
We cannot allow our federal government to strip from us more personal freedom and liberty. The Democrats in Congress, along with the President of the United States, have made it clear that they have no interest in what the American people want. They will not stop until they are fully satisfied or soundly defeated.  With your help, we can fight back.
This health care debate has never really been about health care. For the Democrats in Washington, DC this debate is about power and control. For the rest of us, it's about preserving America, our way of life and our children's future.
Over the past fifteen months I have worked tirelessly to fight corruption, reign in federal spending and limit government intrusion into our lives. Please help me continue that fight by donating to my campaign for reelection. I cannot continue without your support.

Congressman Jason Chaffetz

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tim Bridgewater Addresses WRC of SLC

At our meeting this afternoon, we were pleased to have U.S. Senatorial candidate, Tim Bridgewater, address us.  Below are some pictures of his visit.

February Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2010

Treasurer Report:  2010 draft budget will be presented to the club during the March 11, 2010 meeting.

Lincoln Day Dinner was a success for the SLCo GOP.

Speaker:  U.S. Senatorial candidate Mike Lee

Mr. Lee indicated he is running for Senate because he believes, as do a LOT of other Americans, that the federal government is too big, too expensive and too intrusive in our lives.  Mr. Lee discussed the deficit and how it is too large.  He believes the citizens too much in taxes.  He believes it’s immoral to add debt to our unborn children.  Mr. Lee would like to see our government get back to using the US Constitution as the basis of our government.  As a body, Congress hasn’t respected States’ rights and the People.  They (elected officials) have taken an Oath to support the Constitution, but then they forget about it once elected.  He would like to restore fiscal responsibility.

Club Business:  We discussed the club’s sponsoring of new members.  We have a couple of new members, too: Angie Randle and Blakely Bowers.  As a club, we have agreed to sponsor new memberships and renewal memberships for inactives through June, 2010.

Our next meeting is on Thursday, March 11 at 12:00 PM at the Salt Lake Country Club.  Our speaker will be US Senatorial candidate, Tim Bridgewater.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Meeting Reminder

Just a reminder about tomorrow's meeting at the Salt Lake County Club.  The meeting begins at 12PM.  We will have an "on-time" drawing for those who arrive no later than 12:00.  (Very cute prize!)  U.S. Senatorial candidate, Tim Bridgewater, will begin speaking at 12:30PM.  Also, on the agenda is the Camp Patriot Honor Event, as well as the proposed 2o10 WRC of SLC budget.  I look forward to seeing many of you there!  If you have any questions, or proposed agenda items, please let me know.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Salt Lake Country Club (Directions)

Here's a link to the Salt Lake Country Club on Google maps. As you will see, the country club is just north of I-80, and about 1/2 mile west of Foothill Drive.  The coordinates are approximately 2400 South and 2400 East.

The easiest way to get there is to head west on Parley's Way to the intersection of Parley's and 2300 East. Turn south on 2300 East and travel approximately three blocks. Turn left onto Country Club Drive (through the gates).  The clubhouse is straight ahead.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Become a Member of the WRC of SLC

All new members who join the WRC of SLC before June of this year will have their first year's dues ($35.00) paid for by the WRC of SLC.   Simply click on the link below to download an application.  Complete the application and bring it with you to next week's meeting.  What are you waiting for?  There's never been a better time to join the oldest women's Republican club in the nation!

Upcoming Events

     This is a reminder of our next meeting on Thursday, March 11th at 12PM at the Salt Lake Country Club.  Tim Bridgewater, U.S. Senatorial Candidate, will be addressing us.  Please remember to invite a friend (or two!).  I look forward to seeing you then.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  Thank you.
     Also, caucuses are quickly approaching on March 23rd.  Please mark your calendars and plan on attending.  Watch your newspapers for publications of meeting locations.  If you cannot remember which precinct you are in, go to www.slcogop.com where you can locate your precinct by entering your home address.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Government Can

Sad, but true.  Sometimes you've just got to laugh.  Enjoy. (Click on the link.)

Tim Hawkins: "The Government Can"