Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Message from U.S. 2nd Congressional Candidate Neil Walter

My name is Neil Walter and I am running for US Congress in Utah's 2nd congressional district against Jim Matheson.  With the caucuses upon us, I want to express my appreciation to those of you who have taken time to meet with me to discuss the issues facing our nation.

Let me reiterate my feelings about this race and the direction of our country. We must have a change of agenda in Washington DC.  The Democratic Leadership has focused on a health care plan we don't want when they should be fixing the problems that are hurting our families--issues like the economy, the creation of jobs, and irresponsible federal spending.

Yes, the health care bill passed with votes to spare. The passage of this bill is an enormous new entitlement that is irresponsible at any time and especially during these economic times.  The trillions that are required to pay for the bill will come from taxing the public and will slow both economic growth and job growth in the United States.  The elitist attitude required to justify the passage of a bill Americans disapprove of, on the basis that they will come to appreciate it later, is representative of the way Washington DC is disconnected from the real world.  Our representatives in Washington DC should have to immediately eliminate their current Congressional health coverage and receive coverage per the bill while paying for the costs out of their own pockets-not the US Treasury.

While Jim Matheson ultimately voted against the bill, he failed Utahans through his lack of leadership among the 54 blue dog Democrats and his inability to moderate the liberal Democratic party's agenda as promised.  By empowering Nancy Pelosi's leadership and helping elect her as Speaker of the House, he has enabled policies that are an outright attack on the Constitution, American capitalism, state's rights, and our individual freedoms.  Moreover, he has failed to use his position of influence within the party to ensure governance is, as the Blue Dog's website says, fiscally responsible, bipartisan, and common sense. Jim Matheson does not represent the principles of the conservative 2nd District.

The current abuses begin with those in Washington DC believing they know better than we do about what is best for our families and is facilitated by career politicians protecting their jobs.  If only they were as vigilant at protecting the jobs in our communities.  The Democrats have justified using the recession for an unprecedented and inappropriate expansion of Federal programs and oversight.  This is not the proper role of government!  We are tired of bureaucrats telling us how to educate our children, manage our lands, develop our resources, and provide for our families. We need economic growth, not new entitlements.  We need fiscal responsibility, not bailouts and new spending!

Why are Democrats forcing Americans who believe abortion is morally wrong to pay for the procedure in the Health Care bill? Why do bureaucrats in Washington DC believe they will chose a better insurance plan for our families that we will?  Why does nationalizing the student loan market along with nationalizing health care suddenly make the heath care bill more attractive?  What has happened to principled leadership?  We need new representation in Washington DC from individuals who will stand up for conservative Utahans.

I realize Jim Matheson will be a tough challenge, He has sold members of our party on the idea that he is a conservative blue dog, but he has enabled Nancy Pelosi and the liberal agenda she is forwarding. We don't want it, and Jim won't fight against it.

With your commitment to restore this seat to the Republican column, I know we will be successful in November.  If we haven't met already, I invite you to attend one of my upcoming events.  Please visit my website,www.neilforcongress.com to learn more about my platform and my background.  I hope to earn your vote in the coming weeks.


Neil Walter, MBA, CFA
Republican Candidate for US Congress
Utah's 2nd Congressional District
c. 435 229 1205
f. 435 627 5716

1 comment:

  1. Neil is a man of integrity, extremely smart, and understands the issues we face today. After meeting him, I have found he is a regular guy who has the expertise, energy, passion, leadership and knowledge to move this country in the right direction to help my family and my neighbors.
