Yesterday, Democrats in the United States House of Representatives ignored the will of the American people and passed the final version of President Obama's health care reform bill. Despite our tireless efforts to stop it, we have just witnessed the government takeover of health care, complete with public funding for abortion, massive new tax increases and unconstitutional mandates on individuals.
Nancy Pelosi has promised that if they can kick through this door, more legislation will follow. Democrats in Congress have met the firm resistance of America on the other side of that door, but they have still managed to kick it open.The Democrats must be stopped.We need to slam the door on them and their destructive agenda.
If you're as fired up as I am, and you want to make a difference,please consider donating to my campaign for reelection. We must send a clear message to the powers in Washington, DC. They need to be reminded that they serve at the consent of the governed.
Under the false pretense of compassion Democrats have taken a commodity and proclaimed it to be a right. Many Members of Congress actually believe it is their duty to legislate new rights to the American people. But these so-called rights they concoct actuallystrip freedom from many in order to grant privileges to a few. They have either forgotten, or do not believe, that God gives people rights -- governments do not.
We cannot allow our federal government to strip from us more personal freedom and liberty. The Democrats in Congress, along with the President of the United States, have made it clear that they have no interest in what the American people want. They will not stop until they are fully satisfied or soundly defeated. With your help, we can fight back.
This health care debate has never really been about health care. For the Democrats in Washington, DC this debate is about power and control. For the rest of us, it's about preserving America, our way of life and our children's future.
Over the past fifteen months I have worked tirelessly to fight corruption, reign in federal spending and limit government intrusion into our lives. Please help me continue that fight by donating to my campaign for reelection. I cannot continue without your support.
Congressman Jason Chaffetz
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